January 19, 2021 7 min read
So, you’re learning more about Ayurveda, India’s system of holistic traditional medicine. You’re probably trying to figure out how to implement its principles into your daily life and figured that your skin care routine is a pretty good place to start. And you’d be right!
Why is skin care a good place to start with Ayurveda? Well, while of course we are partial to our high quality Ayurvedic skin care products, ultimately the full picture and practice of Ayurvedic skin care involves recommendations that will positive impact the health of your whole body, skin included.
Your skin acts as a mirror for what is going on internally, so improving the health of your skin involves Ayurvedic skin care products but also, even more importantly, improving the health of your gut, your lymphatic system, and your circulatory system.
Even better news? A healthy gut, lymph, and blood are the building blocks healthy skin AND a healthy body overall – ultimately, every tissue and bodily process depends on happy and healthy digestion, lymph, and blood.
Please note: Since I’ve gone into a lot of detail about what Ayurveda is and its cultural background and significance in other blogs, I won’t be repeating that same information here. If you’re new to Ayurveda, please read this blog and come back here once you’ve read the sections titled “What is Ayurveda?” and “What makes Ayurveda different?”. As someone who is not Indian it is vitally important for me to properly contextualize and appreciate the study and practice of Ayurveda so as not to appropriate this sacred tradition.
First, let’s get into topical Ayurvedic skin care products and then we’ll get into the bigger picture stuff.
As we’ve mentioned, Ayurveda believes that skin health begins on the inside, supported externally by well-formulated nontoxic products and home remedies. Here are the high points on what Ayurveda says about skin care products:
Each of us has an innate constitution/body type (Prakruti), an imbalance (Vikruti), and digestive type (agni). Ayurveda tells us that when it comes to bringing the body back to a state of balance requires first addressing our digestive type. Typically your digestive type will match your imbalance, but not always.
Our skin is a mirror for what’s going on internally. One of the first things our skin reflects back to us is what’s going on in our digestive system. Why? Glad you asked. Here’s the simplified explanation:
In Ayurveda, there are 3 types of imbalanced digestion:
Each of these types of digestion will benefit from specific nutritional and lifestyle interventions to bring the body back to balance. However, there are some universal recommendations that all constitutions and imbalances will benefit from:
After we’ve digested and metabolized our food, our body first creates plasma/lymph tissue (rasa dhatu), followed by blood (raktha dhatu).
Imbalanced lymph and blood can show up in the skin as:
These lymph and blood imbalances will benefit from specific nutritional and lifestyle interventions to bring the body back to balance. However, there are some universal recommendations that all constitutions and imbalances will benefit from:
At this point, you might be wondering: but what about hormones? You’re absolutely right, hormones are part of the picture for healthy skin. However, in Ayurveda they are addressed holistically, not in isolation. Every single one of the above recommendations also helps balance your hormones.
Other key lifestyle interventions to balance hormones include:
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I hope this was helpful and enlightening! As always, don't hesitate to leave a comment or reach out with any questions or concerns.
Until next time,
Gabi Day, Founder & Owner